Monday, July 27, 2009

We are now Tweeting

South Ogden City has recently started a Twitter account. It will most likely be used to get out short bursts of information or give links for the latest news at South Ogden City. You can join us for updates at:

I know that blog posts have been few and far between. I'm hoping that through Twitter I can be a little more active in getting information out. The blog will still be used as an effort to diversify and expand our outreach to the citizens, but I wouldn't anticipate a lot of posts.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Splash Pad Closed

The Splash Pad at the Nature Park will be closed on Thursday, July 23rd for maintenance. We're sorry for the late notice, but we have been working with the contractor to come and finish the railing around the pad.

The Splash Pad will be re-opened on Friday, July 24th with the normal 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. hours.